Here are the top 8 steps to a successful customer data integration solution:
1. Top Management Commitment – Without top management being on-board, the project will go nowhere.
2. Dedicated Project Leader – Someone who sets aside the time and has the skill to manage both internal resources and work with your external partner.
3. Clear Goals – Define the objectives of the implementation.
4. Phased Approach – Do not try to tackle everything one time. Set priorities and work toward reaching your goals and then add additional goals once the initial ones are met.
5. Set Time Line – Put stakes in the ground regarding expected deliveries.
6. Project Flexibility – No matter how much you plan, there will always be things that come up that cannot be anticipated. Be flexible enough to work through these issues.
7. Experienced Partner – Work with someone who has been through the territory.
8. Appropriate Tools – Use a Customer Data Integration software solution that is suitable for your goals.