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October 29, 2008


Kingsley Idehen


The location of the MDM server holding the "single version of the truth" is highly dependent on some of the factors that you've mentioned e.g., data source disparity. I would also like to add the following:

1. Data heterogeneity across application data repository (DBMS engines from different vendors)
2. Data model heterogeneity (different database engine types support different data models
3. Change sensitivity (a separate MDM instance must be capable of delivering configurable change sensitivity in relation to disparate data sources)

Coincedentally, I have actually used the CRM approach to integrate data from disparate data sources bu using ODBC and/or JDBC as the I/O mechanism between my data virtualization layer (how I prefer to describe MDM), but that only got me so far.

Basically, I ended up using RDF to concpetualize the logical data structures across the disparate data sources within our enterprise, and then leveraged HTTP for making the derived Concepts (entities e.g. Customers, Orders, Products etc..) directly accessible from anywhere within the company i.e., I could hyperlink to a given Customer entity in exactly the same way I would a document/report about that Customer.

If you are interested in live demonstrations of some of these emerging capabilities for MDM, take a look at the following live demo using the standard Northwind Database schema to demonstrate my point.

1. http://demo.openlinksw.com/Northwind/Customer/ALFKI -- Document about customer "ALFKI"

2. http://demo.openlinksw.com/Northwind/Customer/ALFKI#this - Entity "ALKI" of Type "Organization"

Note, the above is a simple demonstration of Conceptual Level interaction with data via HTTP, a process commonly known as: RDF based Linked Data.

To conclude, we also need untethered access to the "single version of the truth" even when we surmount the often overlooked challenge of "change sensitivity" across disparate data sources.


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  • AllThingsData is a unit of Business Development Solutions Inc. Located in New Jersey, Business Development Solutions specializes in Customer Data Integration and related data management solutions. BDS is the developer of SingleVision®, a software application that is used to match, link and relate Location and Contact data from separate data silos.

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